
In the past few years, the institute is emerging as a leader in the field of management education. Apart from an effective teaching methodology, the institute also organizes Seminars, Research Conferences and Management Festival to fulfill its vision.

The Research cell at Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies provides a platform for furthering research activities in all areas of Management studies with the clear objective to produce a regular stream of state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary research.

The Institute’s faculty, staff and students have participated in numerous National and International conferences and have several papers published and presented.

The students have been motivated to undertake research work. They have won prizes at various conferences as well.

List of Conferences and seminars organized at Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies:

National Research Conference on "HR Policies are Market Driven" on 15th February, 2011
There is a growing recognition of the need to manage the increasing flow of information, ideas & knowledge more optimally as well as more efficiently. The National Research Conference – “HR Policies are market driven” held at GNIMS on 15th February 2011 successfully brought together more than 40 Academicians, Researchers and Industry Practitioners on a single platform to review research in the domain of Human Resource Policies at different levels and recommend strategies for improving the quality of Management policies, processes and practices in the area of Human Resources. The Compendium of papers – an ISBN publication projects intellectual work of over 80 eminent professionals from all over India who provide varied perspectives for deliberations.
3rd National Seminar & Research conference on Library: A temple of learning and knowledge house, 29th January, 2011
Few of the sub themes of the conference were:

  1. Knowledge Procession in the Internet era
  2. The college library in academics and research
  3. Web- base library resources and services
  4. Challenges and trend of libraries
Invited Guests:
Dr. S.A.N.Inamdar - Librarian Walchand College of Engg. Vishrambag, Sangli
3rd National Research conference on “Innovation and Business success, 13th February, 2010
The Conference aimed at exploring contribution of innovations in business success. Innovation is the activity of people and organizations to change themselves and the environment. It means breaking routines and dominant ways of thinking, introducing new ideas and behaviors, launching new standards.
2nd National Seminar & Research conference on Library: A temple of learning and knowledge house, 16th January, 2010
The conference aimed to bring together Academicians, Researchers and Industry Practitioners on a single platform to review research in the domain of Library and Information Management at different levels and recommend strategies for improving the quality of Library and Information Management Services
1st National Seminar & Research conference on Library: A temple of learning and knowledge house, 14th March, 2009
The conference aimed to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners in recognition of the increasing flow of ideas, resources and knowledge. To review the quality of research in the Library & Information science at different level and recommend strategies for improving the quality of library science research. The Invited Guests: Chief Librarian TISS (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar) , Chairman of Bombay Science Librarians Association (BOSLA)
2nd National Research Conference on Innovation and Business success, 24th January, 2009
The areas of interest were: Innovation in Product & Services, Services Management, Business Processes, Financial Management, Marketing Strategy, Marketing & Branding, Social Responsiveness, HR Practices, Sunrise Sectors
1st National Human Resource Conference: Role of HR in changing business scenario, 17th January 2009
The world economy is changing and so are the organizational strategies to deal with it. The HR Summit aimed at promoting awareness about the crucial role that Human Resource Professionals of any organization would need to play in the turbulent times that we are facing.
National Conference on Rural Marketing : 9th January, 2010
Rural areas over decades have been dominated by the pressure of moneylenders due to which a high proportion of lending has remained under the domain of informal resources. This backdrop of the rural dynamics prompted GNIMS to organize a National Conference with a aim to provide a forum for addressing some of the critical issues concerned with the market in rural areas. Invited Chief Guests: Dr. Narendra Jadhav, Member Planning Commission Government of India, Brand Guru, Jagdeep Kapoor, Chairman and Managing Director, Samsika Marketing Consultants
1st National Retail Seminar and Research conference 10th January, 2009
The Retail business is one of the largest employers of India and at present is witnessing a huge revamping exercise. These days consumers are increasingly sophisticated and demanding and the staff has to respond by acquiring different skill sets. Keeping this change in mind, GNIMS had organized this seminar which aimed to provide a broad understanding of emerging retail frameworks and contemporary approaches to growing retail business and will highlight critical issues concerning retail practices.
1st National Research conference on Innovation and Business success 15th March, 2008
Innovation is not the same as invention. Invention is the generation of new ideas, methods or products, by extending the leading edge of frontiers of research. Innovation is the application of these inventions in new combinations.