Part Time
Part Time
Farewell Party given to the Part Time Masters – MFM, MMM and MHRDM batch of 2009-2012 on 5 May 2012 at GNIMS campus
A young, dynamic business person Mr. Jai Shroff, Executive director, United Phosphorus Ltd. and our very own Dr. R.T. Sane Director Guru Nanak Institute of Research and Development, (GNIRD) graced the occasion with their presence. It was wonderful for our passing batch to hear the wise words from two very eminent personalities from the corporate and academic world.
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Walk Held - DNA Correspondent
Students, faculty members and staff of Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies (GNIMS) in Matunga jointly organised a walk with the Multiple Sclerosis Society of India (MSSI) on Sunday to create awareness about Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

The students have taken up MS awareness as one of their social missions in the present academic year. MS is a disease of the central nervous system which affects its functioning, unexpectedly resulting in devastating disabilities in young people in the prime of their lives. It has various symptoms from minor visual disturbances to total paralysis.

The walk commenced at 7.30am and continued till 11am, covering the Dadar and Matunga areas. The students had recently also volunteered for an MS camp organised at Shushrusha Hospital in Dadar.

Dr Ajit Singh, secretary, local management committee of Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) to which GNIMS belongs, encouraged the students and faculty to take u p social responsibilities as one of their main tasks. Dr Vidya Hattangadi, director, GNIMS, said that organisations do not exist in vacuum; they need to recognise social factors and help them to grow.

Anita Vesuvala, honourary secretary, and Sheela Chitnis, vice-president of MSSI, said that they need more youngsters to join them in creating MS awareness in society.

DNA CITY on Mar 15, 2012
Masters of Supply Chain Management – Mumbai Dabbawalla’s
SGPC’s Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies (GNIMS) organized a seminar in association with Higher Education Forum (HEF) on the topic of how the Mumbai Dabbawalla’s have mastered the art of supply chain management on 11th February 2012.

The seminar opened with the address of Dr. A. K. Sengupta – the founder member of Higher Education Forum. Dr. Sengupta in his address to the students and faculties emphasized on practical approaches in the class rooms while implementing the curriculum. He also said that the syllabus needs regular upgradation.

Dr. Pawan Agrawal a PhD on the topic of “A study of Logistics and Supply chain Management on Dabbawalla’s in Mumbai” mesmerized the audience with his zealous and witty presentation on the subject. Dr. Agrawal has given presentations in Paris, Netherlands, USA etc.

The Forbes Global has made the Mumbai Dabbawalla’s global figures. The Dabbawallas seem to have made a mark for themselves in the Management curriculum in some of the global B Schools in the Supply Chain Management. One of the astonishing facts of the Dabbawalla’s is their accuracy in supplying dabba’s all over Mumbai within the recorded time. The dabbawallas do their jobs with passion, honest and punctuality with a high level commitment and selflessness.

Dr. Agrawal enthused the students by touching upon the qualities and values exhibited by the dabbawalla’s, which the future managers should emulate.