Faculty Development Programme
“Innovative Ptograms to facilitate Learning” for GNIMS Faculty Members
The Director, Prof. Dr. Vidya Hattangadi put into effect two innovative programs to facilitate learning and development . The first one focused on learning from one another. As part of this initiative, faculty member makes a presentation on a relevant topic.

Prof. Amarpriet Singh Ghura made a presentation on conventional V/s Unconventional strategies.

As part of second inititiative, Business Quiz was organized for on various sectors and disciplines that include Nonprofit Organizations, Financial and banking Services, Iron and Steel Sector, Film Industry among others.
Workshop on “Rational emotive behavior therapy” for GNIMS Faculty Members
A two day workshop was conducted by Dr. Shubha Thatte on Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), previously called rational therapy and rational emotive therapy. It was a comprehensive, active-directive, philosophically and empirically based psychotherapy which focused on resolving emotional and behavioral problems and disturbances and enabling people to lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

The workshop got good feedback and was highly appreciated by the faculty participants.
Workshop on “How To Prepare For A Lecture” for GNIMS Faculty Members
On 27th June, 2012 another FDP was conducted by Prof. Dr. Vidya Hattangadi, Director of GNIMS on How to Prepare for a Lecture. She believes that the faculty of Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies is the principal driver of change through their direct involvement in every aspect of the Institute: academics, governance, research and consultancy. They combine the very highest standards of teaching and mentoring. Further the rich diversity of their backgrounds install in the students a continuous desire to achieve excellence.

To continue with this and further enhance the level of teaching in the institute she conducted an FDP where she discussed new tools and techniques of teaching. She also motivated faculty members to take up Ph. D and more research based projects. She shared with all her experiences at the AIMA exams / Interviews.

The workshop got good feedback and was highly appreciated by the faculty participants.
Workshop on “Mentoring” for GNIMS Faculty Members
A workshop was conducted by Prof. T. R. Mistry on Mentoring at the GNIMS campus on 27th June, 2012. He enthralled the audience with his quick wit and anecdotes. He said Mentoring has achieved “buzz – word” status and mentoring programs are being introduced in many organizations. He dwelled on What is Mentoring and what outcomes can reasonably be expected? Is its popularity matched by results?

According to Prof. Mistry, The key to a successful mentoring program is planning and design. In this workshop the critical elements of program design were reviewed. Strategies for matching mentoring partners and facilitating the establishment of effective relationships were discussed.

The workshop got good feedback by the faculty participants.
Workshop on “Research Methodology” for GNIMS Faculty Members
A two-day workshop was conducted on 26th June 2012 and 29th June, 2012 in the campus of the Institute where Prof. Sameer Phanse took a session on Research and field projects which hold paramount importance in today’s management world where knowledge of statistical tools and hypothesis testing forms the base.

He elaborated and explained different analytical tools. He also equipped the participants with information on What is Research Methodology? , Its relevance, Hypothetico-Deductive Process and Logical Method among other interesting topics.

The workshop got good feedback and was highly appreciated by the faculty participants.
Workshop on “How To Write A Case Study” for GNIMS Faculty Members
Second Faculty Development Programme was organized on Campus of Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies on 22nd June 2012. Prof. Dr. Vidya Hattangadi, Director of GNIMS conducted a session on a Case Study Writing. She explained the finer nuances of how to write a Case Study. She also acquainted the participants with the multi pronged strategy to deal with case study writing.

It was also agreed that every faculty member of the Institute would write a case study.

The workshop got good feedback and was highly appreciated by the faculty participants.
Workshop on “Soft Skills and Body Language” for GNIMS Faculty Members
The first FDP of the academic year 2012-2013 was conducted on Soft Skills and Body Language at the prestigious Don Bosco School from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm, on 21st June 2012.

Mr. Sabyasachi Burman, well known trainer shared his experiences on the importance of body language, soft skills and effective communication skills. In his view Communication and Soft skills are critical skills required in personal and professional life to excel. He also motivated the participants to develop excellent inter-personal skills and positive attitude.

The workshop got good feedback by the faculty participants.
Workshop on Research Methodology for GNIMS Faculty Members
A two-day workshop on the topic of Research Methodology on 14th and 15th April 2012 was organized for the faculty members of GNIMS. A very senior and an eminent R.M. faculty Dr. S.N. Kulkarni facilitated the workshop.

The workshop covered topics such as qualitative and quantitative approaches to research, goals and significance of research, the speaker also threw light on the difference between Research Method and Methodology, the Research Process, Hypothesis framing, a good literature review were also discussed.

The workshop got good feedback and was highly appreciated by the faculty participants.