Our Infrastructure
Our Infrastructure

SGPC’s Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies is centrally located in Matunga (Central Mumbai). The campus has classrooms, seminar hall, MDP centre, Library, Computer centre that are fully air-conditioned and equipped with multimedia and other instructional hardware.


All classrooms on the campus are air-conditioned and are equipped with various teaching aids such as OHP, LCD, sound system and LAN.

Computer Lab

Higher education relies a lot on I.T. infrastructural resources.

GNIMS has been consciously and consistently building its I.T. infrastructure since its inception. We have embraced technology to a great extent. Some of the highlights are as mentioned below:

  • Air-conditioned classrooms with PC and LCD projectors integrated with campus wide network
  • Multiple Level Hardware Firewall to protect the entire network.
  • Branded High end Desktop Computers
  • Branded High end Servers.

The Computer Centers are equipped with 120 branded personal computers adequately supported by 4 MBPS leased line for Internet connectivity and LAN. They are also equipped with a wide range of licensed system software and applications software. In addition to the above other facilities include Printers, Scanners and the like.

Seminar Hall

The Institute has a well-furnished and air-conditioned seminar hall. It is used for various seminars, guest lectures, conferences and workshops.

MDP cell/ Center

Center of Management Development Programme is an industry- leading programme designed for practicing managers. Our response is to the time we live in, which is of innovation and expansion. The demanding environment expects the managers to constantly and extensively upgrade their knowledge in order to stay ahead of their competitors.

The programme provides inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and fresh perspectives that will make you see the world and your ever growing business in a new perspective. Above all, it prepares you not only to succeed, but also thrive in the market place.

Our Mission
To incorporate 'global mindset', develop understanding of business dynamics, initiate suitable growth strategies and competitive intelligence. Enhance, integrated corporate culture, develop execution capabilities of managers at all levels and administrators to be the leaders in their respective field. To achieve this we will:

  • Develop GNIMS into a world class MDP Centre
  • Impart intense professionalism, strong business skills and ethics in thought and practice
  • Enhance leadership and developmental skills
  • Be a catalyst to bring about innovation in your products, processes and services
  • Help in managing the change efficiently

The MDP Advantage
Our MDP programs will help executives, managers, administrators as to grapple challenges firmly within 2010.

To address this biggest challenge GNIMS offers:

  • Programmes that will enhance managerial skills of executives
  • The design and delivery of the program is tailored to meet specific needs of the organizations
  • Participative & discussion oriented programme, with focus on learning and applying the real- life situations of the participants
  • Practical approach based on the conceptual framework
  • Feedback to the organizations to facilitate corrective measures
  • Flexibility of Timing
  • Cost-Effectiveness through learning
  • Provide on-going support to participants post training session

The programme provides inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and fresh perspectives that will make you see the world and your ever growing business in a new perspective.

Contact Us
Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies
Kings Circle, Matunga, Mumbai 400019

Prof.P.K.Saund- Head E-MBA / MDP
Tel: 022-240443123, Mob: 9821007768, Telefax: 24043933
Email: parvinder.mdp@gmail.com / parvinder@gnims.com
Website: www.gnims.com

MDP provides courses like E-MBA, E-PGDM in Transport Management and Certificate Course in Transport Management and the links for which have been provided in the Programs section of the website.

Cafeteria / Canteen

The canteen in a college is the hub of every student activity. The institute has a spacious roof-top open cafeteria which provides hygienic food at very affordable prices.


GNIMS Library will be a true learning resources centre, which will provide latest information and other learning aids on all topics related to management as required. GNIMS Library has linkages with other Libraries and corporate training centers.

Operational Features
GNIMS Library provides 12hrs services to their valuable students for all the seven days of a week

Library Resources
Amongst the others, below are examples of some of our resources

Electronic Networked environment (WEB- OPAC System)
Library is equipped with Web OPAC system. It is the main basic search or the best online cataloging. It provides the user with appropriate information about the new arrivals, books etc.

Current Awareness Services (CAS)
Current Awareness Services (CAS) is extensively for users. The list of new additions to the Library collection is displayed on the Library notice board every month.

Clippings Services
Clippings of content page of the subscribed Journals/ Magazines are maintained for reference to the users. Any other important news related to the AICTE, DTE or any other governing bodies are also stored for the reference.

Library Database
Library has ProQuest Online Business Management Database. It has rich collection of full text publications, trade journals and general business magazines, full text country economic reports, reviews, studies & surveys, Industry reports, market research reports, case studies, company profiles etc. Access is available to EBSCO Database 24/365 via ProQuest host with unlimited access to all students and faculty within the campus.

Research Activities of the Library
There is a growing recognition of the need to manage the increasing flow of information, ideas & knowledge more effectively & efficiently. The Annual Conference aims to bring together Academicians, Researchers & Industry Practitioners on a single platform to review research in the domain of Library & Information management at different levels & recommend strategies for improving the quality of library & information management services. We organize Research seminar on National level with the regular interval and publish annual journal.

Library Official Website - www.lib.gnims.com

The international e-Journals of Library Science