FAQ › Pain Free Hair Free |
► How many treatments will I need?
Laser hair removal requires multiple treatments. During the initial visit, the laser disables those follicles in the Anagen "active" phase of the growth cycle. Follicles in the Telogen "resting or dormant" phase will not be affected. Since follicles cycle through "active" and "dormant" phases, additional sessions may be desired once the "dormant" follicles become "active". For this reason, we recommend a series of treatments. Our experience is that an average of between four and six treatments is to be expected. |
► Can my treated hair grow again later?
No. Once a hair follicle is destroyed it is said to be sterile, that follicle can never produce a hair again. However as we age, the body can go through hormonal changes which can stimulate dormant hair follicles to begin growing hair. This is a common side effect of menopause.
In addition, certain medications your physician may require you to use due to a medical condition can stimulate hair to return even years later. For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that you will be hair-free forever. |
► Am I a candidate for laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is not for everyone. Coarse dark hair responds the best to laser treatment. Since the laser focuses on the pigment in the hair follicle, the ideal candidate is fair-skinned with dark hair. Those men and women with white/gray/blonde hair have a far less chance of the melanin in the hair shaft absorbing the laser energy. Blonde or red hair is very difficult to treat because it contains pheomelanin, which absorbs laser energy less than the eumelanin pigment which is present in black or brown hair. White does not respond to treatment. Patients with pigmented skin are not candidates for treatment because too much laser energy is absorbed in their skin. Tanned patients must wait until their tan fades before they can be treated. |
► Which areas can be treated?
We have had very good success with any area where there is excess hair. The only area we do not treat is adjacent to the eye; however the glabella area (between the eyes) is treated.
The most common areas requested are the face, upper lip, neck, chin, chest, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line, breast, and legs. |
► What is the cost of laser treatment?
Before seeing the exact area you wish to have treated, it is impossible to give you your exact cost for treatment however the average cost is approximately two hundred dollars per treatment.
During your consultation appointment, we will give you a "price protected" quote which will be your cost for each treatment you require. As you can imagine, the person wanting to treat a large area will be charged more than the person wanting to treat only a small area.
Come in for your consultation appointment and we will be happy to discuss all the options available to you. |
► Is the laser treatment painful?
While some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, most patients report little or no discomfort. The advanced DCD cooling device of our GentleLASE Plus™ laser is all you need to minimize any discomfort. For more sensitive patients, anesthetic creams can be applied prior to laser therapy treatment. |
► How long do I have to wait before I can wear make-up?
Make-up can be applied 24-48 hours after your treatment. |
► Is laser hair removal covered by insurance?
Unfortunately most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for cosmetic procedures. However, consult with your insurance carrier for more information. |
► What does treatment include?
The patient and the practitioner wear safety eyewear to protect them from the laser light during the procedure. A small hand piece is used that touches the skin to deliver the laser light. A light spray of coolant onto the skin will be felt just before each laser pulse. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second,
A test area will be done prior to the entire treatment. Your full treatment may be done on the same day or up to two weeks later, depending on the skin reaction.
Most patients experience little discomfort at the treatment site because of the dynamic cooling device. The degree of discomfort varies with each person, depending on his/her pain threshold. Topical anesthesia may also be requested based on individual preferences or tolerances. |
► What precautions should be taken before treatment?
The most important precaution to take is to avoid the sun 4-6 weeks before and after treatment or until your practitioner allows it. You must avoid electrolysis, plucking or waxing hair for 6 weeks prior to treatment.
If you have had a history of peri-oral herpes, prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed. If you have a dark skin type, a bleaching cream may be started 4-6 weeks before treatment to optimize results. This will be determined during your free initial consultation appointment. |
► What should I look for after treatment?
Within several minutes of the treatment, the treated area will be come slightly red and puffy. This reaction subsides, and within a few hours the area returns to normal. Since the laser does not cut the skin, no bandages are necessary, and you can return to your normal activities immediately.
Recommended post-operative care includes:
- Avoiding sun exposure or tanning
- Applying ice for discomfort
- Applying topical antibiotic cream or ointment
Hairs usually can be seen falling out in 7 to 10 days after treatment. These hairs generally fall out on their own. No treatment is needed to remove them. |
► Are there any side effects?
Patients may experience some discoloration or reddening of the skin similar to sunburn around the treatment site. Some patients may experience hypo pigmentation (reduced pigment) or hyper pigmentation (increased pigment) response or the increase of pigment color. Pigmentary changes may persist for months, but are almost always temporary.
Blisters are rare but occasionally occur, particularly in patients with dark skin. During your consultation appointment we can best determine your skin type and the risks associated with your individual skin type. |
Office Address: |
3rd Floor, Mathewsons Trade Centre ,Near TVS showroom, Kaloor, Kochi-682017, Kerala. |
Contact Person: |
Email: |
pojnambiar@eth.net |
Telephone: |
0484-2539979 / 2531470 |
Mobile: |
09847032708 |