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   Aura Hair Treatments


Consultation From Qualified Trichologist
Hair loss is a universal problem; the causes for hair loss are different in different individuals. That's why all the hair treatments at Aura are conducted only after thorough evaluation by our team of Trichologists. 
Hair analysis
Painless shape procedure by which detailed analysis of hair is done to find out the cause of hair loss.
Electroporation for hair loss
Simple painless procedure which helps in quick delivery of medicines applied to scalp for faster results.
Dermarollar Hair growth treatment
Derma Roller is frequently used for treating hair loss in both men and women. The simple hand held roller is rolled along the scalp to stimulate increased blood flow to the surface of the head. Thinning hair can be thickened, and the loss of hair from the scalp is reduced.
Mesoscalp therapy for hair regrowth
Mesoscalp works by injecting small amounts of specially formulated hair solutions under the skin, very close to the hair follicles, using micro-needles. This solution stimulates blood circulation and stimulates re-growth of hair.
PRP treatment for hair regrowth
PRP is blood that has been concentrated with platelets. The introduction of platelets and white blood cells through platelet rich plasma stimulates the growth of follicles, thereby reversing hair miniaturization seen in androgenetic alopecia and even preventing hair loss.
Hair Transplant
It's a one day, procedure which involves removal of hair follicles from scalp's hair bearing portion and transplanting it onto the bald patch.  
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