Atul Vidyalaya will endeavour to provide world class learning environment that will nurture the child to evolve into a value driven and competent citizen.

• Rules & Regulations
As most children in this town live in a close knit community are compelled to make general clarifications about requests for leave which the school finds acceptable.
Parents are requested to send formal written leave letters to cover leave taken by their child. Notes written on scraps of paper are not acceptable [your concept of “absolutely necessary” may not agree with the school]
2. All Leave applications have to be signed by the parents.
In case of an emergency leave request should be sent through your ward the next day where prior permission is not possible.
For leave more than three days or any advancement or extension of vacation or missing vacation classes:
(a) Leave can not be taken without prior prior permission.
In case if the above is not possible, then permission must be taken telephonically from the cluster coordinator.
If prior approval has not been taken the parents must meet the principal after the student resumes school.
If a student is absent from school for more then a month without intimation his/ her name would be removed from the rolls of the school. Absence on Independence Day has to be approved in writing by the principal.
6. Leave of absence from writing test or an examination
Leave of  absence from writing an examination is only given on medical grounds and only by principal. School reserves the right to hold a retest or an oral examination.
The permission has to be obtain by personally meeting the principal with documentary evidence of the reason for missing the examinations.
If the leave is granted.
The performance in that examination would not be considered for working out the aggregate.
In case of unauthorized leave, a zero will be awarded for that test.
Application for withdrawal should be made by parents/guardians in the prescribed from available in the school office.
The school leaving certificate will be issued only after all the dues are paid and the books returned to the library.
In any case, if you withdraw admission, only security deposit will be refundable on producing the receipt of the same.
A notice of three full calendar months should be given before withdrawing a student. Fees will be charged for the notice period (i.e. three months)
Private tuitions are not allowed. Any student taking private tuition will not be allowed to attend regular classes in that particular subject. This applies to all classes. We believe that over- teaching of routine school subjects is dangerous.
  a )  Contact office 
  b)   Inform respective CC’s & Class Teacher 
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